Coupled with advancements in ATS technology, companies and recruiters can now enter a pre-defined set of search criteria and shortlisting requirements from hundreds of applicants within a split-second. Not only do you now have to beat others in the game and be at the top of the shortlist in terms of achievements and skills, you must also be able to present information in your resume in such a way as to be shortlisted.
In a highly competitive job market, every applicant must do their best to stand out. There are a variety of differentiation techniques that one may adopt in order to be a cut above the rest, and to offer more value through the resume. It is important to note that resumes are the only basis for your value to prospective employers. As such, a resume must not only present information in a coherent and detailed manner, but it must also do so with impact and uniqueness in mind. Essentially you need to present what makes you stand out and why you are the best person for the role.
One way to strategically place yourself above other applicants is by including your key achievements. Often placed under a brief description of your roles in a chronological, functional or combination resume, key achievements present more specific examples of how you are able to go above and beyond the regular expectations or duties of a role.
Other reasons for including key achievements in your resume are:
They create more impact
Employers are interested to know more about how you are able to take your skills and apply them into the work context to influence positive results. By avoiding general, motherhood statements, you are able to present a clearer and more specific picture of how you will bring similar commendable results to your prospective roles.
They differentiate you from other applicants
Picture this: you and a peer are applying for the same role. Judging by face value, your educational attainment, training, courses attended, and level of seniority may be exactly identical, but you can set yourself apart from other applicants by specifying how you were able to bring about measurable outcomes in your team. You must show that you were a valuable part of the process, leading to outstanding results, or where you have implemented new processes to streamline business operations. You must also show that you were indispensable, that the team may not have been able to achieve the said outcomes without your help or intervention. This is what gives you more power and leverage to emphasise your personal contributions to any team.
They present measurable information
The numbers don’t lie. If you include trends, figures, and concrete examples of how your support and contributions to the team resulted in positive outcomes for the company, you will have more chances of attracting strong interest from prospective employers. Go back to your key performance indicators and ratings, your appraisals and chart your progress in terms of actual performance scores. Specify actual outcomes against expected values or projections. Always mention any commendations, awards or a recognition for your invaluable contributions.
They offer transferability in other positions
Often, generic information may be hard to contextualise or translate into actual deliverables. Sure, you can state that you have excellent communication skills, but employers may want to see exactly how you were able to adapt these skills in a difficult context or within a particularly challenging situation. Recruiters respond well to definitive statements instead of baseless claims or theoretical statements. It is hard to deny your capability to influence impactful outcomes if you have done it before. Thus, this makes you easier to place in departments where similar circumstances are to be expected.
There is definitely a delicate art of phrasing and expressing one’s achievements in a way that presents your skills and competencies. With the right construction and formats, you should be able to present what makes you unique and different, whilst also beating ATS scanners in the process.
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